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These similar colleges are most often compared with King's College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare King's College and Penn State York
Compare Alvernia University and King's College
$19,762 lower in-state tuition
47% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
8% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$29,952 lower in-state tuition
8% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
22% lower acceptance rate
$29,952 lower in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
2% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$31,806 lower in-state tuition
4% higher acceptance rate
$25,862 lower in-state tuition
1% higher acceptance rate
$25,862 lower in-state tuition
2% higher acceptance rate
$14,382 lower in-state tuition
16% lower acceptance rate
$9,114 lower in-state tuition
50% lower acceptance rate
$24,002 lower in-state tuition
9% lower acceptance rate
$24,060 lower in-state tuition
10% lower acceptance rate
$25,343 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$24,980 lower in-state tuition
15% lower acceptance rate
$32,452 lower in-state tuition
38% lower acceptance rate
$23,850 lower in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$25,330 lower in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$33,058 lower in-state tuition
12% lower acceptance rate
$32,452 lower in-state tuition
26% lower acceptance rate
$2,838 lower in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$6,258 lower in-state tuition
7% lower acceptance rate
$14,210 higher in-state tuition
8% lower acceptance rate
$30,090 lower in-state tuition
16% lower acceptance rate