Curious how Bard College stacks up against other colleges? Compare Bard College to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Bard College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Bard College and Ithaca College
Compare Bard College and Lewis & Clark College
Compare Bard College and Dickinson College
Compare Bates College and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Union College
Compare Bard College and Gettysburg College
Compare Smith College and Bard College
Compare Bowdoin College and Bard College
Compare Mount Holyoke College and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Franklin and Marshall College
Compare The New England Conservatory of Music and Bard College
Compare Hampshire College and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Syracuse University
Compare Bard College and Temple University
Compare Goucher College and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Bryn Mawr College
Compare Bard College at Simon's Rock and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Penn State Lehigh Valley
Compare Trinity College and Bard College
Compare Bard College and Virginia Union University
$52,870 lower in-state tuition
5% higher acceptance rate
$52,870 lower in-state tuition
36% higher acceptance rate
$52,730 lower in-state tuition
49% higher acceptance rate
$52,730 lower in-state tuition
36% higher acceptance rate
$52,730 lower in-state tuition
37% higher acceptance rate
$52,730 lower in-state tuition
38% higher acceptance rate
$52,870 lower in-state tuition
22% lower acceptance rate
$32,200 lower in-state tuition
19% higher acceptance rate
$24,762 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$15,840 lower in-state tuition
20% lower acceptance rate
$40,462 lower in-state tuition
19% higher acceptance rate
$27,788 lower in-state tuition
39% higher acceptance rate
$45,760 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$32,920 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$47,800 lower in-state tuition
40% higher acceptance rate
$51,400 lower in-state tuition
46% higher acceptance rate
$53,650 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$47,300 lower in-state tuition
47% higher acceptance rate
$47,050 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$59,800 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$49,000 lower in-state tuition
50% higher acceptance rate
$48,000 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$47,500 lower in-state tuition
49% higher acceptance rate
$49,900 lower in-state tuition
12% higher acceptance rate
$47,300 lower in-state tuition
16% higher acceptance rate
$52,084 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$51,324 lower in-state tuition
35% higher acceptance rate
$54,163 lower in-state tuition
36% higher acceptance rate
$53,330 lower in-state tuition
37% higher acceptance rate
$52,084 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$44,350 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$54,508 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$52,312 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$58,770 lower in-state tuition
33% higher acceptance rate
$55,048 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$59,800 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$44,800 lower in-state tuition
50% higher acceptance rate
$20,550 lower in-state tuition
24% higher acceptance rate
$42,172 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$11,700 lower in-state tuition
19% higher acceptance rate
$21,430 lower in-state tuition
36% higher acceptance rate
$26,746 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate
$25,200 lower in-state tuition
42% higher acceptance rate
$30,400 lower in-state tuition
54% higher acceptance rate