Curious how College of the Holy Cross stacks up against other colleges? Compare Holy Cross to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with College of the Holy Cross by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Boston College and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Fordham University
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Compare Fairfield University and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Wake Forest University
Compare Clark University and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and University of Richmond
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Colgate University
Compare Bentley University and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Union College
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Lehigh University
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Lafayette College
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Tufts University
Compare Bowdoin College and College of the Holy Cross
Compare Harvard University and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Bucknell University
Compare Babson College and College of the Holy Cross
Compare Colby College and College of the Holy Cross
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Northeastern University
Compare College of the Holy Cross and Skidmore College
$41,414 lower in-state tuition
28% higher acceptance rate
$42,138 lower in-state tuition
50% higher acceptance rate
$43,421 lower in-state tuition
60% higher acceptance rate
$43,058 lower in-state tuition
45% higher acceptance rate
$10 lower in-state tuition
32% lower acceptance rate
$19,440 lower in-state tuition
56% higher acceptance rate
$21,540 lower in-state tuition
52% higher acceptance rate
$44,700 lower in-state tuition
30% higher acceptance rate
$48,544 lower in-state tuition
45% higher acceptance rate
$42,402 lower in-state tuition
30% higher acceptance rate
$42,080 lower in-state tuition
51% higher acceptance rate
$50,530 lower in-state tuition
22% higher acceptance rate
$43,408 lower in-state tuition
56% higher acceptance rate
$57,600 lower in-state tuition
12% lower acceptance rate
$50,530 lower in-state tuition
34% higher acceptance rate
$50,530 lower in-state tuition
46% higher acceptance rate
$41,928 lower in-state tuition
61% higher acceptance rate
$57,600 lower in-state tuition
9% lower acceptance rate
$4,970 higher in-state tuition
32% lower acceptance rate
$1,000 higher in-state tuition
29% higher acceptance rate
$3,880 lower in-state tuition
31% higher acceptance rate
$18,624 lower in-state tuition
32% higher acceptance rate