Curious how Albany State University stacks up against other colleges? Compare Albany State University to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Albany State University by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Albany State University and University of West Georgia
Compare Alabama A & M University and Albany State University
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Compare Bethune Cookman University and Albany State University
Compare Albany State University and Clayton State University
Compare Albany State University and Columbus State University
Compare Albany State University and Tennessee State University
Compare Albany State University and Morgan State University
Compare Albany State University and Middle Georgia College
Compare Tuskegee University and Albany State University
Compare Delaware State University and Albany State University
Compare Albany State University and College of Coastal Georgia
Compare Albany State University and Benedict College
Compare Albany State University and Alcorn State University
$3,444 higher in-state tuition
20% lower acceptance rate
$1,501 lower in-state tuition
33% lower acceptance rate
Equivalent in-state tuition
27% lower acceptance rate
$5,296 higher in-state tuition
67% lower acceptance rate
$142 higher in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$1,486 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$5,276 higher in-state tuition
1% lower acceptance rate
$6,280 higher in-state tuition
20% lower acceptance rate
$1,699 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$44,036 higher in-state tuition
35% lower acceptance rate
$15,376 higher in-state tuition
66% lower acceptance rate
$33,832 higher in-state tuition
27% lower acceptance rate
$10,976 higher in-state tuition
55% lower acceptance rate
$8,788 higher in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$1,678 higher in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$3,652 higher in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$2,455 higher in-state tuition
18% lower acceptance rate
$915 higher in-state tuition
46% lower acceptance rate
$1,678 higher in-state tuition
13% lower acceptance rate
$1,678 higher in-state tuition
10% lower acceptance rate
$1,678 higher in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$2,406 higher in-state tuition
17% lower acceptance rate
$4,292 higher in-state tuition
29% lower acceptance rate
$2,354 higher in-state tuition
15% lower acceptance rate
$3,521 higher in-state tuition
26% lower acceptance rate
$1,628 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$3,297 higher in-state tuition
23% lower acceptance rate
$11,386 higher in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$1,228 higher in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$2,234 higher in-state tuition
10% lower acceptance rate
$2,634 higher in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate