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These similar colleges are most often compared with Cedarville University by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Cedarville University and North Greenville University
Compare Holy Cross College and Cedarville University
Compare Cedarville University and Ohio State University
Compare Elon University and Cedarville University
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Compare Cedarville University and Miami University
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Compare Hope College and Cedarville University
Compare Cedarville University and Wofford College
Compare Huntington University and Cedarville University
Compare Cedarville University and University of Dayton
$23,000 lower in-state tuition
21% higher acceptance rate
$23,226 lower in-state tuition
14% higher acceptance rate
$3,878 lower in-state tuition
2% higher acceptance rate
$17,518 lower in-state tuition
46% lower acceptance rate
$22,024 lower in-state tuition
20% lower acceptance rate
$14,738 lower in-state tuition
16% lower acceptance rate
$23,528 lower in-state tuition
14% higher acceptance rate
$30,076 lower in-state tuition
27% higher acceptance rate
$30,376 lower in-state tuition
9% higher acceptance rate
$28,001 lower in-state tuition
33% lower acceptance rate
$16,463 higher in-state tuition
8% higher acceptance rate
$16,376 higher in-state tuition
13% lower acceptance rate
$1,562 higher in-state tuition
23% higher acceptance rate
$5,462 higher in-state tuition
11% higher acceptance rate
$4,478 higher in-state tuition
3% higher acceptance rate