Curious how Long Island University C W Post Campus stacks up against other colleges? Compare Long Island University-C W Post Campus to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Long Island University C W Post Campus by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
$29,754 lower in-state tuition
42% lower acceptance rate
$29,614 lower in-state tuition
35% lower acceptance rate
$29,614 lower in-state tuition
23% lower acceptance rate
$29,614 lower in-state tuition
2% higher acceptance rate
$29,614 lower in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate
$29,614 lower in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate
$36,684 lower in-state tuition
66% lower acceptance rate
$17,036 higher in-state tuition
26% lower acceptance rate
$3,376 higher in-state tuition
26% lower acceptance rate
$1,266 higher in-state tuition
27% lower acceptance rate
$20,498 lower in-state tuition
29% lower acceptance rate
$16,924 lower in-state tuition
44% lower acceptance rate
$28,968 lower in-state tuition
5% lower acceptance rate
$28,968 lower in-state tuition
3% higher acceptance rate
$27,628 lower in-state tuition
12% lower acceptance rate
$21,486 lower in-state tuition
27% lower acceptance rate
$21,164 lower in-state tuition
6% lower acceptance rate
$21,222 lower in-state tuition
7% lower acceptance rate
$22,505 lower in-state tuition
3% higher acceptance rate
$22,142 lower in-state tuition
12% lower acceptance rate
$22,492 lower in-state tuition
1% lower acceptance rate
$36,684 lower in-state tuition
69% lower acceptance rate
$21,012 lower in-state tuition
4% higher acceptance rate
$23,024 lower in-state tuition
5% higher acceptance rate
$15,186 higher in-state tuition
13% lower acceptance rate