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$8,512 lower in-state tuition
2% lower acceptance rate
$826 lower in-state tuition
4% higher acceptance rate
$8,442 lower in-state tuition
26% lower acceptance rate
$3,352 lower in-state tuition
1% higher acceptance rate
$8,202 lower in-state tuition
8% lower acceptance rate
$4,332 lower in-state tuition
1% higher acceptance rate
$5,827 lower in-state tuition
50% lower acceptance rate
$4,509 lower in-state tuition
1% lower acceptance rate
$2,679 lower in-state tuition
0% higher acceptance rate
$7,907 lower in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$3,946 lower in-state tuition
6% higher acceptance rate
$41,226 higher in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$2,106 lower in-state tuition
9% higher acceptance rate
$4,608 lower in-state tuition
6% higher acceptance rate
$6,582 lower in-state tuition
27% lower acceptance rate
$7,902 lower in-state tuition
10% higher acceptance rate
$6,907 lower in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate
$5,521 lower in-state tuition
14% higher acceptance rate