Curious how Spelman College stacks up against other colleges? Compare Spelman to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Spelman College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Spelman College and Marymount Manhattan College
Compare University of South Alabama and Spelman College
Compare Spelman College and Queens University of Charlotte
Compare Spelman College and George Fox University
Compare Spelman College and Converse College
Compare Savannah College of Art and Design and Spelman College
Compare Savannah State University and Spelman College
Compare Spelman College and Emory and Henry College
Compare The University of Tampa and Spelman College
Compare Spelman College and University of Louisville
Compare Spelman College and Charleston Southern University
Compare Spelman College and St. Mary's University
Compare Spelman College and Pace University New York
Compare Spelman College and Marietta College
$21,998 lower in-state tuition
28% higher acceptance rate
$18,372 lower in-state tuition
52% higher acceptance rate
$23,317 lower in-state tuition
39% higher acceptance rate
$21,816 lower in-state tuition
45% higher acceptance rate
$21,463 lower in-state tuition
51% higher acceptance rate
$22,340 lower in-state tuition
28% higher acceptance rate
$18,536 lower in-state tuition
45% higher acceptance rate
$22,728 lower in-state tuition
5% higher acceptance rate
$17,888 lower in-state tuition
55% higher acceptance rate
$24,880 lower in-state tuition
62% higher acceptance rate
$15,482 lower in-state tuition
48% higher acceptance rate
$14,672 lower in-state tuition
51% higher acceptance rate
$19,840 lower in-state tuition
48% higher acceptance rate
$17,502 lower in-state tuition
60% higher acceptance rate
$18,114 lower in-state tuition
71% higher acceptance rate
$3,520 higher in-state tuition
68% higher acceptance rate
$12,016 higher in-state tuition
55% higher acceptance rate