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These similar colleges are most often compared with Amherst College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Amherst College and Swarthmore College
Compare Amherst College and Middlebury College
Compare Amherst College and Dartmouth College
Compare Amherst College and Vassar College
Compare Amherst College and Brown University
Compare Amherst College and Harvard University
Compare Amherst College and Hamilton College
Compare Amherst College and Cornell University
Compare Amherst College and Wellesley College
Compare Pomona College and Amherst College
Compare Amherst College and New York University
Compare Johns Hopkins University and Amherst College
Compare Amherst College and Haverford College
Compare University of Chicago and Amherst College
Compare Amherst College and Barnard College
Compare Yale University and Amherst College
Compare Amherst College and Princeton University
Compare Colby College and Amherst College
Compare Amherst College and Northeastern University
Compare Amherst College and Boston College
Compare Amherst College and University of Pennsylvania
Compare Amherst College and Brandeis University
$47,314 lower in-state tuition
57% higher acceptance rate
$48,038 lower in-state tuition
79% higher acceptance rate
$49,321 lower in-state tuition
89% higher acceptance rate
$48,958 lower in-state tuition
74% higher acceptance rate
$5,910 lower in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$27,440 lower in-state tuition
81% higher acceptance rate
$53,805 lower in-state tuition
38% higher acceptance rate
$50,600 lower in-state tuition
59% higher acceptance rate
$54,444 lower in-state tuition
74% higher acceptance rate
$48,302 lower in-state tuition
59% higher acceptance rate
$63,500 lower in-state tuition
17% higher acceptance rate
$56,430 lower in-state tuition
75% higher acceptance rate
$930 lower in-state tuition
3% lower acceptance rate
$9,780 lower in-state tuition
60% higher acceptance rate
$11,630 lower in-state tuition
73% higher acceptance rate
$12,539 lower in-state tuition
66% higher acceptance rate