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These similar colleges are most often compared with University of North Texas by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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$3,403 higher in-state tuition
48% lower acceptance rate
$1,044 higher in-state tuition
16% lower acceptance rate
$6,269 higher in-state tuition
6% higher acceptance rate
$911 higher in-state tuition
2% higher acceptance rate
$2,344 lower in-state tuition
8% higher acceptance rate
$3,382 lower in-state tuition
9% higher acceptance rate
$4,477 lower in-state tuition
31% lower acceptance rate
$441 lower in-state tuition
9% higher acceptance rate
$1,718 lower in-state tuition
16% higher acceptance rate
$21,105 higher in-state tuition
17% higher acceptance rate
$2,878 lower in-state tuition
8% lower acceptance rate
$2,566 lower in-state tuition
18% lower acceptance rate
$1,275 lower in-state tuition
15% lower acceptance rate
$2,553 lower in-state tuition
39% lower acceptance rate
$579 lower in-state tuition
9% higher acceptance rate
$2,553 lower in-state tuition
24% lower acceptance rate
$677 higher in-state tuition
4% higher acceptance rate
$819 lower in-state tuition
14% higher acceptance rate
$1,492 lower in-state tuition
17% higher acceptance rate