Curious how Colby College stacks up against other colleges? Compare Colby College to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Colby College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Colby College and Northeastern University
Compare Colby College and Boston University
Compare Colby College and Dartmouth College
Compare Colby College and Williams College
Compare Colby College and Brandeis University
Compare Colby College and Amherst College
Compare Colby College and Wellesley College
Compare Colby College and Haverford College
Compare Grinnell College and Colby College
Compare Colby College and Barnard College
Compare Colby College and Davidson College
Compare Trinity College and Colby College
Compare Colby College and Skidmore College
Compare Colby College and New York University
Compare Connecticut College and Colby College
Compare Colby College and College of the Holy Cross
Compare Colby College and Babson College
Compare Colby College and Brown University
$52,200 lower in-state tuition
86% higher acceptance rate
$44,654 lower in-state tuition
56% higher acceptance rate
$45,642 lower in-state tuition
58% higher acceptance rate
$45,378 lower in-state tuition
78% higher acceptance rate
$53,770 lower in-state tuition
50% higher acceptance rate
$46,648 lower in-state tuition
84% higher acceptance rate
$60,840 lower in-state tuition
16% higher acceptance rate
$53,770 lower in-state tuition
74% higher acceptance rate
$3,250 lower in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$1,730 higher in-state tuition
4% lower acceptance rate
$22,680 lower in-state tuition
84% higher acceptance rate
$9,879 lower in-state tuition
65% higher acceptance rate