Curious how The College of Wooster stacks up against other colleges? Compare Wooster to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with The College of Wooster by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare The College of Wooster and Muhlenberg College
Compare DePauw University and The College of Wooster
Compare The College of Wooster and Rhodes College
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Compare Ohio Northern University and The College of Wooster
Compare American University and The College of Wooster
Compare Kenyon College and The College of Wooster
$45,552 lower in-state tuition
30% higher acceptance rate
$45,778 lower in-state tuition
23% higher acceptance rate
$26,430 lower in-state tuition
11% higher acceptance rate
$47,355 lower in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate
$40,070 lower in-state tuition
37% lower acceptance rate
$44,576 lower in-state tuition
11% lower acceptance rate
$37,290 lower in-state tuition
7% lower acceptance rate
$46,080 lower in-state tuition
23% higher acceptance rate
$47,994 lower in-state tuition
25% higher acceptance rate
$50,553 lower in-state tuition
24% lower acceptance rate
$3,330 lower in-state tuition
11% higher acceptance rate
$6,089 lower in-state tuition
17% higher acceptance rate
$5,180 lower in-state tuition
24% higher acceptance rate
$19,100 lower in-state tuition
10% higher acceptance rate