Curious how Mills College stacks up against other colleges? Compare Mills College to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Mills College by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
Compare Mills College and University of San Francisco
Compare Mills College and San Jose State University
Compare University of California Los Angeles and Mills College
Compare Mills College and Saint Marys College of California
Compare Loyola Marymount University and Mills College
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
91% lower acceptance rate
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
89% lower acceptance rate
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
74% lower acceptance rate
$23,598 lower in-state tuition
60% lower acceptance rate
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
76% lower acceptance rate
$23,598 lower in-state tuition
70% lower acceptance rate
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
31% lower acceptance rate
$17,776 lower in-state tuition
53% lower acceptance rate
$23,598 lower in-state tuition
45% lower acceptance rate
$34,128 higher in-state tuition
88% lower acceptance rate
$29,139 higher in-state tuition
97% lower acceptance rate
$8,610 higher in-state tuition
34% lower acceptance rate
$21,534 higher in-state tuition
48% lower acceptance rate
$12,770 higher in-state tuition
43% lower acceptance rate