Curious how Duke University stacks up against other colleges? Compare Duke to any three other US colleges using the College Simply compare tool, or compare with some of the pre-selected schools below.
These similar colleges are most often compared with Duke University by students and parents using CollegeSimply.
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Compare Princeton University and Duke University
Compare Duke University and University of Pennsylvania
Compare Cornell University and Duke University
Compare Northwestern University and Duke University
Compare Duke University and Rice University
Compare Johns Hopkins University and Duke University
Compare Duke University and Stanford University
Compare University of Chicago and Duke University
Compare Yale University and Duke University
Compare Washington University in St Louis and Duke University
Compare University of Notre Dame and Duke University
Compare Emory University and Duke University
Compare Duke University and Carnegie Mellon University
Compare Davidson College and Duke University
Compare University of Southern California and Duke University
Compare Duke University and University of Virginia Main Campus
Compare Duke University and Villanova University
Compare Duke University and Swarthmore College
$53,416 lower in-state tuition
11% higher acceptance rate
$53,900 lower in-state tuition
41% higher acceptance rate
$56,623 lower in-state tuition
74% higher acceptance rate
$55,992 lower in-state tuition
63% higher acceptance rate
$56,013 lower in-state tuition
86% higher acceptance rate
$56,313 lower in-state tuition
68% higher acceptance rate
$53,938 lower in-state tuition
26% higher acceptance rate
$50,740 lower in-state tuition
39% higher acceptance rate
$43,455 lower in-state tuition
13% higher acceptance rate
$48,147 lower in-state tuition
58% higher acceptance rate
$50,177 lower in-state tuition
11% higher acceptance rate
$40,675 lower in-state tuition
43% higher acceptance rate
$51,379 lower in-state tuition
75% higher acceptance rate
$8,565 lower in-state tuition
74% higher acceptance rate
$3,033 higher in-state tuition
6% higher acceptance rate
$2,135 higher in-state tuition
2% lower acceptance rate