Colleges for a 880 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 880 SAT

Displaying 161 colleges where your 880 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 429 target schools (good chance), 1,584 reach (harder) schools and 1,338 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 880 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Mississippi University for Women

Columbus, MS

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850 to 1180
Tougaloo College

Tougaloo, MS

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790 to 1090
Dickinson State University

Dickinson, ND

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875 to 1130
Marian University

Fond Du Lac, WI

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800 to 1080
College of Mount St. Joseph

Cincinnati, OH

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880 to 1083
Rockford University

Rockford, IL

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850 to 1070
Presentation College

Aberdeen, SD

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840 to 1130
Judson University

Elgin, IL

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860 to 1080
William Penn University

Oskaloosa, IA

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830 to 1100
Spalding University

Louisville, KY

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853 to 1103
Fairmont State University

Fairmont, WV

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830 to 1040
Iowa Wesleyan College

Mount Pleasant, IA

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830 to 1010
Villa Maria College

Buffalo, NY

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730 to 1050
Lourdes University

Sylvania, OH

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850 to 1080
Trinity Baptist College

Jacksonville, FL

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880 to 1055
Northwestern Oklahoma State University

Alva, OK

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868 to 1090
Mount Marty College

Yankton, SD

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810 to 1050
Davis & Elkins College

Elkins, WV

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880 to 1125
Westminster College

Fulton, MO

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880 to 1120
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College

Moore, OK

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838 to 928
Greenville University

Greenville, IL

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811 to 1219
Graceland University Lamoni

Lamoni, IA

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880 to 1120
Bethany College

Bethany, WV

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870 to 1110
Northern State University

Aberdeen, SD

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800 to 1150
Mid Atlantic Christian University

Elizabeth City, NC

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760 to 1160
Visible Music College

Memphis, TN

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605 to 1250
Alice Lloyd College

Pippa Passes, KY

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760 to 1140
Bluefield State College

Bluefield, WV

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870 to 1080
Mount Mary College

Milwaukee, WI

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866 to 1123
Mercy College of Ohio

Toledo, OH

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850 to 1070

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