Colleges for a 880 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 880 SAT

Displaying 161 colleges where your 880 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 429 target schools (good chance), 1,584 reach (harder) schools and 1,338 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 880 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau, MO

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850 to 1030
North Carolina Wesleyan College

Rocky Mount, NC

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860 to 1120
Washington Adventist University

Takoma Park, MD

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800 to 1100
Eureka College

Eureka, IL

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870 to 1155
Concord University

Athens, WV

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840 to 1080
Avila University

Kansas City, MO

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800 to 1000
Johnson University Florida

Kissimmee, FL

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840 to 1020
Wesleyan College

Macon, GA

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876 to 943
Wright State University Lake Campus

Celina, OH

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790 to 890
Defiance College

Defiance, OH

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860 to 1110
Wilberforce University

Wilberforce, OH

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840 to 940
Lewis Clark State College

Lewiston, ID

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850 to 1110
Rochester College

Rochester Hills, MI

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840 to 1060
Carlow University

Pittsburgh, PA

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850 to 1100
Texas A&M University Texarkana

Texarkana, TX

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870 to 1080
Louisiana State University Alexandria

Alexandria, LA

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880 to 1140
Tiffin University

Tiffin, OH

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870 to 1120
Rust College

Holly Springs, MS

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440 to 1339
William Carey University

Hattiesburg, MS

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880 to 1200
Bennett College for Women

Greensboro, NC

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858 to 946
Oakland City University

Oakland City, IN

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850 to 1150
York College

York, NE

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845 to 1060
McNeese State University

Lake Charles, LA

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810 to 1120
Wilmington College

Wilmington, OH

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860 to 1050
Ottawa University Ottawa

Ottawa, KS

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880 to 1140
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Pine Bluff, AR

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880 to 1048
King's University

Van Nuys, TX

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870 to 1130
Kentucky Wesleyan College

Owensboro, KY

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750 to 1130
West Virginia Wesleyan College

Buckhannon, WV

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878 to 1143
Eastern New Mexico University Main Campus

Portales, NM

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850 to 1070

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