Private 2 Year

St Luke's College Location and Distances

Sioux City, Iowa

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St Luke's College is located in Sioux City, Iowa; population 82,684. The campus is in a small city setting.

2720 Stone Park Blvd
Sioux City, Iowa
51104-0263 USA

Map of St Luke's College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to St Luke's College from nearby towns.

St Luke's College distance from Iowa cities
City Distance
South Sioux City4 miles
Dakota Dunes4 miles
North Sioux City5 miles
Dakota City7 miles
Sergeant Bluff9 miles
Hinton9 miles
Jackson10 miles
Jefferson10 miles
Lawton12 miles
Bronson12 miles
Hubbard13 miles
Homer14 miles
Salix16 miles
Ponca16 miles
Merrill16 miles
Moville17 miles
Waterbury17 miles
Elk Point18 miles