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Southeastern Community College Salaries

West Burlington, Iowa

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Salaries by Major at Southeastern Community College

How much money do Southeastern Community College graduates make and which majors earn the most upon graduating? Six years after enrolling, alumni who are working have average earnings of $26,600 per year. After ten years, graduates earn $30,600 on average.

In terms of specific areas of study, the following is a ranking of degree programs by the median first-year starting salaries for Southeastern Community College graduates.

The undergraduate degree which initially pays the highest is Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing with a median starting salary of $51,100 followed by Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants paying $42,600 and Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services graduates who have a median starting income of $27,700 .

Note about salary data: First year earnings data are aggregated by the US Department of Education and analyzes IRS reported income for Southeastern Community College graduates who received federal financial aid in the form of grants or loans. Not all graduates or fields of study are represented as data for some degree programs are omitted for privacy purposes.

Median first-year earnings for Southeastern Community College graduates ranked by degree type and major
Major Earnings
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing (Associate's Degree) $51,100
Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants (Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma) $42,600
Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services (Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma) $27,700
Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities (Associate's Degree) $20,000

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=154378 IPEDS survey and College Scorecard data for Southeastern Community College.