Colleges for a 870 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 870 SAT

Displaying 132 colleges where your 870 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 351 target schools (good chance), 1,554 reach (harder) schools and 1,338 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 870 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Bloomfield College

Bloomfield, NJ

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770 to 960
Benedict College

Columbia, SC

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820 to 1010
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania

Lincoln University, PA

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870 to 1050
Southern University and A & M College

Baton Rouge, LA

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798 to 1000
University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Princess Anne, MD

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840 to 1010
Webber International University

Babson Park, FL

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853 to 1060
Elizabeth City State University

Elizabeth City, NC

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850 to 1070
Johnson C Smith University

Charlotte, NC

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800 to 980
Rhode Island College

Providence, RI

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860 to 1160
Grambling State University

Grambling, LA

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860 to 1150
SUNY Morrisville

Morrisville, NY

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860 to 1060
Virginia Union University

Richmond, VA

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750 to 1010
St. Thomas University

Miami Gardens, FL

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860 to 1060
Wesley College

Dover, DE

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820 to 1050
The University of Texas at El Paso

El Paso, TX

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870 to 1090
Colorado State University Pueblo

Pueblo, CO

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870 to 1100
Concordia University Texas

Austin, TX

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860 to 1100
CUNY Lehman College

Bronx, NY

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860 to 1220
Western Oregon University

Monmouth, OR

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868 to 1108
University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls, IA

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860 to 1210
Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, KY

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820 to 1010
Coppin State University

Baltimore, MD

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860 to 1040
CUNY Medgar Evers College

Brooklyn, NY

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780 to 1000
Brevard College

Brevard, NC

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870 to 1220
San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus

Calexico, California

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850 to 1060
Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL

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820 to 1090
Claflin University

Orangeburg, SC

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840 to 1040
Columbia College

Columbia, SC

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850 to 1140
Millikin University

Decatur, IL

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860 to 1170
Paine College

Augusta, GA

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776 to 976

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