Colleges for a 16 on the ACT

Schools you can get into

Popular colleges to consider with a 16 ACT

Displaying 149 colleges where your 16 ACT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 411 target schools (good chance), 1,686 reach (harder) schools and 1,290 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 16 on the ACT
School ACT Score Range
Multnomah University

Portland, OR

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16 to 28
Dickinson State University

Dickinson, ND

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16 to 21
Rockford University

Rockford, IL

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12 to 20
University of Saint Mary

Leavenworth, KS

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16 to 23
Judson University

Elgin, IL

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16 to 26
William Penn University

Oskaloosa, IA

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16 to 21
Spalding University

Louisville, KY

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16 to 22
Missouri Valley College

Marshall, MO

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16 to 20
Iowa Wesleyan College

Mount Pleasant, IA

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16 to 22
Thomas University

Thomasville, GA

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15 to 20
Bacone College

Muskogee, OK

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14 to 17
Northwestern Oklahoma State University

Alva, OK

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16 to 22
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College

Moore, OK

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16 to 24
Greenville University

Greenville, IL

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15 to 28
University of the Cumberlands

Williamsburg, KY

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16 to 23
Graceland University Lamoni

Lamoni, IA

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16 to 24
Boston Baptist College

Boston, MA

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10 to 26
Mid Atlantic Christian University

Elizabeth City, NC

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14 to 21
Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary

Kansas City, MO

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15 to 24
Kentucky Christian University

Grayson, KY

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16 to 21
Mount Mary College

Milwaukee, WI

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16 to 21
Mercy College of Ohio

Toledo, OH

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16 to 21
Saint Louis Christian College

Florissant, MO

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14 to 25
The University of Montana Western

Dillon, MT

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16 to 21
Mid Continent University

Mayfield, Kentucky

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15 to 24
Southeastern Baptist College

Laurel, MS

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16 to 17
VanderCook College of Music

Chicago, IL

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15 to 20
Ottawa University Surprise

Surprise, Arizona

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16 to 23
Middle Georgia State University

Macon, GA

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15 to 23

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