Colleges for a 1580 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 1580 SAT

Displaying 173 colleges where your 1580 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 240 target schools (good chance), 156 reach (harder) schools and 4,641 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 1580 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Grinnell College

Grinnell, IA

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1418 to 1550
Hamilton College

Clinton, NY

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1410 to 1550
Kenyon College

Gambier, OH

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1360 to 1500
Stevens Institute of Technology

Hoboken, NJ

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1370 to 1500
DePauw University

Greencastle, IN

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1140 to 1430
Gettysburg College

Gettysburg, PA

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1240 to 1460
Rhodes College

Memphis, TN

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1290 to 1490
Furman University

Greenville, SC

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1260 to 1425
Willamette University

Salem, OR

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1220 to 1430
St Olaf College

Northfield, MN

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1260 to 1470
Saint Louis University Main Campus

Saint Louis, MO

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1210 to 1430
CUNY Brooklyn College

Brooklyn, NY

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1140 to 1420
Macalester College

Saint Paul, MN

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1350 to 1510
The College of Wooster

Wooster, OH

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1250 to 1450
Bard College

Annandale-On-Hudson, NY

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1290 to 1440
Trinity College

Hartford, CT

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1310 to 1460
Colorado College

Colorado Springs, CO

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1365 to 1520
Whitman College

Walla Walla, WA

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1270 to 1480
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology

Terre Haute, IN

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1280 to 1470
Bowdoin College

Brunswick, ME

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1480 to 1550
Franklin and Marshall College

Lancaster, PA

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1298 to 1460
Sarah Lawrence College

Bronxville, NY

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1270 to 1440
Soka University of America

Aliso Viejo, CA

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1220 to 1460
Union College

Schenectady, NY

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1310 to 1480
Bryn Mawr College

Bryn Mawr, PA

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1300 to 1470
Smith College

Northampton, MA

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1408 to 1540
University of Alabama at Huntsville

Huntsville, AL

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1195 to 1440
Olin College of Engineering

Needham, MA

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1480 to 1560
Mount Holyoke College

South Hadley, MA

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1350 to 1500
St John's College

Annapolis, MD

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1250 to 1500

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