Colleges for a 1270 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 1270 SAT

Displaying 404 colleges where your 1270 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 1,353 target schools (good chance), 204 reach (harder) schools and 3,258 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 1270 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Winston-Salem, NC

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1115 to 1350
Saint Louis University Main Campus

Saint Louis, MO

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1210 to 1400
Arcadia University

Glenside, PA

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1088 to 1320
Saint Joseph's University

Philadelphia, PA

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1150 to 1330
Clarkson University

Potsdam, NY

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1190 to 1370
Illinois Institute of Technology

Chicago, IL

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1220 to 1410
Lipscomb University

Nashville, TN

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1130 to 1320
Salve Regina University

Newport, RI

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1130 to 1280
Alfred University

Alfred, NY

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1085 to 1290
John Carroll University

University Heights, OH

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1160 to 1320
University of Massachusetts Boston

Boston, MA

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1080 to 1300
Penn State Abington

Abington, PA

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1070 to 1310
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, AL

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1200 to 1410
Suffolk University

Boston, MA

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1080 to 1300
Long Island University C W Post Campus

Brookville, NY

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1100 to 1330
Calvin University

Grand Rapids, MI

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1120 to 1370
University of St Thomas

Saint Paul, MN

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1200 to 1390
The College of Wooster

Wooster, OH

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1250 to 1450
New College of Florida

Sarasota, FL

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1103 to 1360
Colorado College

Colorado Springs, CO

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1260 to 1480
University of Hartford

West Hartford, CT

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1080 to 1290
Cornell College

Mount Vernon, IA

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1170 to 1380
Louisiana Tech University

Ruston, LA

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1088 to 1280
University of the Sciences

Philadelphia, PA

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1090 to 1340
Maryland Institute College of Art

Baltimore, MD

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967 to 1362
State University of New York at New Paltz

New Paltz, NY

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1160 to 1340
Rutgers University Newark

Newark, NJ

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1030 to 1270
Wentworth Institute of Technology

Boston, MA

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1120 to 1340
Oglethorpe University

Atlanta, GA

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1065 to 1305
Sarah Lawrence College

Bronxville, NY

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1260 to 1450

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