Colleges for a 1050 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 1050 SAT

Displaying 697 colleges where your 1050 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 2,013 target schools (good chance), 1,041 reach (harder) schools and 1,431 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 1050 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
Tabor College

Hillsboro, KS

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830 to 1130
Central Methodist University College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Fayette, MO

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1041 to 1138
Boise Bible College

Boise, ID

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920 to 1200
MidAmerica Nazarene University

Olathe, KS

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928 to 1118
Centenary College of Louisiana

Shreveport, LA

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1040 to 1210
West Virginia University Institute of Technology

Montgomery, WV

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900 to 1120
Bethel College North Newton

North Newton, KS

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860 to 1090
The University of Montana Western

Dillon, MT

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890 to 1120
Union College

Lincoln, NE

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980 to 1130
Jamestown College

Jamestown, ND

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900 to 1140
Bushnell University

Eugene, OR

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1010 to 1315
Mid Continent University

Mayfield, Kentucky

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830 to 1080
University of Great Falls

Great Falls, MT

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845 to 1135
Maranatha Baptist Bible College

Watertown, WI

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980 to 1220
Ohio Valley University

Vienna, WV

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870 to 1090
Emmaus Bible College

Dubuque, IA

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910 to 1060
Mayville State University

Mayville, ND

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880 to 1250
Baker College of Flint

Flint, MI

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960 to 1170
Maria College of Albany

Albany, NY

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965 to 1095
Appalachian Bible College

Mount Hope, WV

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1028 to 1200
Trinity Bible College

Ellendale, ND

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950 to 1110
VanderCook College of Music

Chicago, IL

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890 to 1160
Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary

Ankeny, IA

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940 to 1180
Governors State University

University Park, IL

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830 to 1060
Principia College

Elsah, Illinois

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1040 to 1250
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Louisville, Kentucky

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1028 to 1203
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Wake Forest, NC

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920 to 1230
University of Houston Clear Lake

Houston, TX

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990 to 1170
University of Connecticut Hartford Campus

Hartford, Connecticut

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960 to 1210
Ottawa University Surprise

Surprise, Arizona

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910 to 1050

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