University of Wisconsin-River Falls is rated within the lower 42% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 5 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to University of Wisconsin River Falls?
UW River Falls is a smaller campus with big city opportunities. UW River Falls tied Yale (yes the ivy league school) for best value university nationally in the US (ranked 8th). Tuition is half the price of UW Madison and the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. This campus has a suburban/small town feel. Cost of living is very affordable. This campus gives a hard working student a lot of opportunities to see their potential. Some students need a "smaller" campus, I would recommend this school for students who have higher GPAs or ACTs above 25. This is a great campus if you are a B to A- student. You will be a big fish in a medium pond, there are many honors and high achieving students on this campus. Students should have above a 20 on all their ACT sections (take the test so you know where you might struggle) to avoid struggling in your gen ed 100 and 200 level courses. This is a low frills campus, keeping cost low and a great option for commuters and residents alike. Music, theater, and art have many opportunities for both majors and non-majors, athletic teams hold several national titles and runner up positions, just because these students are D3 (no scholarships, but you don't need one because it is affordable) doesn't mean they don't have talent. These students would do fine against D2 schools no problem and give some D1 campuses a run for their money. Some of the best athletes have played in the NFL, NHL, and other professional endeavors. Great value for a ticket under $10. Location is amazing which is why it ranks higher than UW Eau Claire, UW Whitewater, and UW Lacrosse, and UW Oshkosh. I would say it also has a better location than St. Cloud State, U of M Duluth, Mankato State, and Winona State. Majors that produce amazing graduate outcomes: education (all levels and subjects), business, computer science, food science, anything related to agriculture, criminal justice, human performance/kinesiology. Most students have little to no debt at graduation. Job placement/career services could be better and so could academic advising. Your classes are smaller, but there a few large lectures for gen eds. No TAs (great perk). The food on campus is good compared to other regional universities, and most of the buildings are newer. Professors are hit or miss, look them up on rate my professor before you register. You have most of the same opportunities as any undergraduate student at a larger/Big 10 campus, just lower cost, fewer frills. This is a great school to start your career.
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I had an amazing four years at this university. Safe, friendly, and affordable.... close to the metro and filled with genuinely nice students and profs. The campus continues to make improvements and is, in my opinion, one of the two most beautiful UW schools. I highly recommend the university. I had nothing but positive experiences as a student and have been gainfully employed and happy ever since completing my degree.
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