Public 2 Year

Northeast Lakeview College Location and Distances

Universal City, Texas

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Northeast Lakeview College is located in Universal City, Texas; population 18,530. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

1201 Kitty Hawk Rd
Universal City, Texas
78145 USA

Map of Northeast Lakeview College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Northeast Lakeview College from nearby towns.

Northeast Lakeview College distance from Texas cities
City Distance
Live Oak1 miles
Converse2 miles
Selma3 miles
Randolph AFB3 miles
Windcrest4 miles
Schertz4 miles
Cibolo6 miles
Garden Ridge7 miles
Kirby7 miles
Terrell Hills9 miles
Santa Clara9 miles
Alamo Heights10 miles
Hill Country Village10 miles
Hollywood Park10 miles
China Grove11 miles
Zuehl11 miles
Olmos Park11 miles
Marion11 miles