Best Texas Colleges

Ranked list of Colleges and Universities in Texas for 2024

There are 181 colleges and universities in Texas enrolling 1,608,285 students. Explore the list of top colleges in Texas below to begin your college search. The CollegeSimply rankings are objective and data-driven in order to help you find good matches for you. Learn how the Best Colleges rankings are calculated on our ranking methodology page. Whether you're searching for a good public, private or community college, this guide to universities in Texas offers a comprehensive view to the state's higher education options.

 Texas is home to nationally ranked institutions like Rice University, Southern Methodist University, Trinity University and The University of Texas at Austin. The highest ranked college in Texas is Rice University and the top rated public state college is The University of Texas at Austin.

Local college options can be explored in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and Austin or other cities.

181 results

List of the Best Texas Colleges

Christ Mission College
San Antonio, Texas

Christ Mission College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews


  • 47enrollment
  • $8,747net price
  • 100%acceptance rate
  • -SAT range
  • -ACT range
  • NAAvg GPA