Private 2 Year

Virginia College Location and Distances

Spartanburg, South Carolina

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Virginia College is located in Spartanburg, South Carolina; population 37,013. The campus is in a midsize suburban setting.

8150 Warren H. Abernathy Highway
Spartanburg, South Carolina
29301-2450 USA

Map of Virginia College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Virginia College from nearby towns.

Virginia College distance from South Carolina cities
City Distance
Fairforest1 miles
Arcadia2 miles
Saxon3 miles
Southern Shops3 miles
Roebuck5 miles
Startex5 miles
Valley Falls5 miles
Wellford5 miles
Reidville7 miles
Duncan8 miles
Boiling Springs8 miles
Lyman8 miles
Inman Mills9 miles
Inman9 miles
Glendale10 miles
Converse10 miles
Clifton11 miles
Gramling12 miles