Private 2 Year

Erie Institute of Technology Inc Location and Distances

Erie, Pennsylvania

 2 Reviews


Erie Institute of Technology Inc is located in Erie, Pennsylvania; population 101,786. The campus is in a midsize suburban setting.

940 Millcreek Mall
Erie, Pennsylvania
16565 USA

Map of Erie Institute of Technology Inc

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Erie Institute of Technology Inc from nearby towns.

Erie Institute of Technology Inc distance from Pennsylvania cities
City Distance
McKean5 miles
Wesleyville6 miles
Penn State Erie7 miles
Lawrence Park7 miles
Northwest Harborcreek8 miles
Fairview9 miles
Avonia10 miles
Waterford10 miles
Girard12 miles
Edinboro13 miles
Lake City13 miles
Mill Village15 miles
Platea15 miles
Wattsburg16 miles
North East17 miles
Cranesville17 miles
Union City17 miles
Cambridge Springs18 miles