Private 2 Year

Career Point College Location and Distances

Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Career Point College is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma; population 391,906. The campus is in a large city setting.

3138 S Garnett
Tulsa, Oklahoma
74146 USA

Map of Career Point College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Career Point College from nearby towns.

Career Point College distance from Oklahoma cities
City Distance
Catoosa6 miles
Broken Arrow7 miles
Fair Oaks9 miles
Jenks11 miles
Turley11 miles
Oakhurst12 miles
Bixby12 miles
Owasso12 miles
Valley Park13 miles
Verdigris14 miles
Glenpool14 miles
Sperry15 miles
Limestone15 miles
Coweta15 miles
Sand Springs16 miles
Gregory16 miles
Kiefer16 miles
Inola17 miles