Private 4 Year

Defiance College Ratings and Reviews

Defiance, Ohio

 2 Reviews












Defiance College is rated within the lower 43% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 5 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated


Student and Parent Reviews

If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Defiance College?

Sep 12, 2024
Rating 2 out of 5

One good professor. I was assaulted on campus and then harassed by students. Resident life acted like they cared for about a week. Then they bash you for advocating for yourself, very rude, will talk over you and make insensitive comments like ?Get over your trauma? even though they caused it. They show favoritism the RA?s can never do wrong. Hired adjunct professors who come in ruin your grade and leave without really teaching you anything. They also hired a shifty professor (He eventually got arrested for trying to meet a minor). Faculty will talk down on your goals or try and convince you that you aren?t doing enough. I had a professor yell at me for calling out her behavior then reported me and cried wolf. The list goes go on I highly suggest you look elsewhere the cost and environment isn?t worth it.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
May 17, 2023
Rating 2 out of 5

We do not recommend Defiance College to prospective students and parents. This college is an expensive, private college that has increased tuition by $6,000 for 2023. The administration is not responsive at all to parents or students. When issues arise, the president and vice president ignore the issues. Their main goal seems to be avoiding lawsuits. Our student had a positive experience with the Director of Residence Life and the Residence Assistants. The professors were very good and overall we thought the academics were good. However, we did notice classes are canceled often. Our student had 20 classes canceled in one semester alone. The residence halls are okay but fairly old. The two main dorms at least allow you to bring your own window A/C unit. Finally, the food was terrible. The dining hall and The Hive had several county Health Department violations when we checked. The dining hall should offer more fresh fruit options instead of canned fruit.

Overall Rating
Value for Money
Professors / Faculty
Campus Atmosphere
Campus Safety
Dating and Social Life
Party and Bar Scene
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