Public 2 Year

North Dakota State College of Science Location and Distances

Wahpeton, North Dakota

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North Dakota State College of Science is located in Wahpeton, North Dakota; population 7,766. The campus is in a remote town setting.

800 N 6th St
Wahpeton, North Dakota
58076-0002 USA

Map of North Dakota State College of Science

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to North Dakota State College of Science from nearby towns.

North Dakota State College of Science distance from North Dakota cities
City Distance
Breckenridge1 miles
Dwight7 miles
Doran9 miles
Kent12 miles
Great Bend12 miles
Mooreton13 miles
Abercrombie13 miles
Foxhome14 miles
Fairmount15 miles
Campbell16 miles
Tenney18 miles
Colfax18 miles
Barney19 miles
Mantador19 miles
Hankinson20 miles
Rothsay21 miles
Wolverton21 miles
Nashua22 miles