Public 2 Year

University of Montana-Helena College of Technology Location and Distances

Helena, Montana

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University of Montana Helena College of Technology is located in Helena, Montana; population 28,190. The campus is in a remote town setting.

1115 N Roberts Street
Helena, Montana
59601 USA

Map of University of Montana-Helena College of Technology

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to University of Montana-Helena College of Technology from nearby towns.

University of Montana Helena College of Technology distance from Montana cities
City Distance
South Hills3 miles
Helena West Side4 miles
East Helena5 miles
Helena Valley West Central5 miles
Helena Valley Southeast5 miles
Montana City6 miles
Helena Valley Northeast9 miles
Helena Valley Northwest9 miles
Clancy10 miles
Spokane Creek14 miles
Jefferson City15 miles
Marysville17 miles
Winston19 miles
Elliston21 miles
Elkhorn22 miles
The Silos25 miles
Basin25 miles
Boulder25 miles