Public 2 Year

Montana Tech-College of Technology Location and Distances

Butte, Montana

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Montana Tech College of Technology is located in Butte, Montana;. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

25 Basin Creek Rd
Butte, Montana
59701 USA

Map of Montana Tech-College of Technology

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Montana Tech-College of Technology from nearby towns.

Montana Tech College of Technology distance from Montana cities
City Distance
Walkerville7 miles
Butte-Silver Bow8 miles
Rader Creek11 miles
Whitehall20 miles
Basin26 miles
Cardwell27 miles
Boulder28 miles
Twin Bridges29 miles
Anaconda-Deer Lodge County32 miles
Deer Lodge34 miles
Pony36 miles
Elkhorn36 miles
Sheridan36 miles
Jefferson City38 miles
Harrison38 miles
Willow Creek42 miles
Clancy43 miles
Elliston43 miles
Garrison44 miles