Public 2 Year

Northland Community and Technical College Location and Distances

Thief River Falls, Minnesota

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Northland Community and Technical College is located in Thief River Falls, Minnesota; population 8,573. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

1101 Hwy One East
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
56701 USA

Map of Northland Community and Technical College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Northland Community and Technical College from nearby towns.

Northland Community and Technical College distance from Minnesota cities
City Distance
St. Hilaire8 miles
Holt12 miles
Viking13 miles
Plummer16 miles
Goodridge17 miles
Red Lake Falls17 miles
Newfolden18 miles
Middle River21 miles
Brooks23 miles
Oklee24 miles
Grygla28 miles
Warren28 miles
Strandquist28 miles
Mentor30 miles
Strathcona30 miles
Crookston32 miles
Trail32 miles
Erskine33 miles