Public 2 Year

Leech Lake Tribal College Location and Distances

Cass Lake, Minnesota

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Leech Lake Tribal College is located in Cass Lake, Minnesota; population 770. The campus is in a distant rural setting.

6945 Littlewolf Road NW
Cass Lake, Minnesota
56633 USA

Map of Leech Lake Tribal College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Leech Lake Tribal College from nearby towns.

Leech Lake Tribal College distance from Minnesota cities
City Distance
Bemidji12 miles
Laporte13 miles
Turtle River14 miles
Wilton18 miles
Tenstrike18 miles
Lake George21 miles
Bena21 miles
Walker21 miles
Blackduck23 miles
Federal Dam23 miles
Solway24 miles
Akeley28 miles
Whipholt28 miles
Squaw Lake29 miles
Funkley29 miles
Boy River29 miles
Shevlin30 miles
Nevis31 miles