Public 2 Year

Hibbing Community College-A Technical and Community College Location and Distances

Hibbing, Minnesota

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Hibbing Community College A Technical and Community College is located in Hibbing, Minnesota; population 16,361. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

1515 E 25th St
Hibbing, Minnesota
55746 USA

Map of Hibbing Community College-A Technical and Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Hibbing Community College-A Technical and Community College from nearby towns.

Hibbing Community College A Technical and Community College distance from Minnesota cities
City Distance
Chisholm5 miles
Keewatin8 miles
Buhl8 miles
Kinney11 miles
Nashwauk12 miles
Iron Junction15 miles
Mountain Iron16 miles
Leonidas17 miles
Eveleth18 miles
Calumet18 miles
Marble19 miles
Virginia20 miles
Taconite22 miles
Gilbert22 miles
Bovey24 miles
McKinley25 miles
Warba26 miles
Meadowlands26 miles