Private 4 Year

Baker College of Port Huron Location and Distances

Port Huron, Michigan

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Baker College of Port Huron is located in Port Huron, Michigan; population 30,184. The campus is in a small suburban setting.

3403 Lapeer Road
Port Huron, Michigan
48060 USA

Map of Baker College of Port Huron

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Baker College of Port Huron from nearby towns.

Baker College of Port Huron distance from Michigan cities
City Distance
Marysville5 miles
St. Clair11 miles
Emmett15 miles
Memphis16 miles
Marine City18 miles
Richmond18 miles
Yale20 miles
Lexington20 miles
Croswell22 miles
Armada23 miles
Capac23 miles
New Haven24 miles
New Baltimore24 miles
Melvin24 miles
Algonac25 miles
Pearl Beach25 miles
Peck26 miles
Applegate28 miles