Curry College is rated within the top 44% of four-year colleges nationally and earns a CollegeSimply grade of 6 out of 10. Learn how ratings are calculated
If you are a student, former student, faculty member or parent, please help guide other prospective students by sharing your personal experiences at this college. What is it really like to go to Curry College?
I graduated from here in 2001 and it literally took me until 2017 to pay off the debt. This school sucks. DO NOT GO HERE!!!! It is not worth it. Nothing ever happens on campus. Social life is non-existent. All the professors I had were nice but all they did was lecture at you and I didn?t learn a damn thing. Actually, I take that back, I did learn something. The something I learned was that I should have gone to a different school. I got into other schools but chose this dump because it was closer to home. The grounds department makes it look all nice and welcoming. In reality, it?s a dump. But if you try to transfer out, you lose all your credits because they won?t allow them to transfer over. It?s like a prison so you can?t leave until you finish your sentence. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! DO NOT GO HERE!!! I REPEAT, DO NOT GO HERE!!!
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This school is collapsing. They are dropping different majors left and right (including mine) and firing the best faculty. The teachers do actually care about students, but too many are really old and just lecture at you. Avoid a train wreck and go somewhere else. Campus is super boring and there is nothing to do on the weekend...unless you run away to Boston.
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The fact that the tuition for Harvard University is about 63K and Curry is about 55K is kind of astonishing. We pay about 10K less than one of the most competitive schools in the country. The dorms are old, there is a 3 story building limit in Milton so the school is running out of room, the food is not fresh, internet connection is bad, no real campus life, no Greek life, campus is completely dead on the weekends. This school is not worth going into debt for. And the cleaning crew just throws water on everything and wipes it down so they really dont clean anything. A lot wrong with this school. Teachers are nice tho. The food is only somewhat good when the kitchen staff is aware that the president is going to be eating there , or when it is accepted students day.
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Curry is a great setting and close to Boston. Not much of a student campus setting with school spirit. Very much a commuter school. Way to expensive and not worth the money. Price of tuition is crazy. I feel safe, although lots of crime and issues on campus. Again, cost of school and having these issues does not seem right? Several classes are subpar and didn't learn much. Although not thoroughly happy with the school, I have had some wonderful teachers that truly care.
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Value for Money | |
Professors / Faculty | |
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