Public 2 Year

Harford Community College Location and Distances

Bel Air, Maryland

 0 Reviews


Harford Community College is located in Bel Air, Maryland; population 1,258. The campus is in a midsize suburban setting.

401 Thomas Run Rd
Bel Air, Maryland
21015-1698 USA

Map of Harford Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Harford Community College from nearby towns.

Harford Community College distance from Maryland cities
City Distance
Bel Air South4 miles
Bel Air North5 miles
Riverside6 miles
Aberdeen7 miles
Darlington7 miles
Perryman8 miles
Pleasant Hills8 miles
Fallston9 miles
Havre de Grace9 miles
Edgewood10 miles
Port Deposit10 miles
Pylesville10 miles
Jarrettsville11 miles
Joppae11 miles
Aberdeen Proving Ground11 miles
Kingsville11 miles
Perryville11 miles
Delta12 miles