Public 2 Year

HCC Location and Distances

Hagerstown, Maryland

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Hagerstown Community College is located in Hagerstown, Maryland;. The campus is in a midsize suburban setting.

11400 Robinwood Dr
Hagerstown, Maryland
21742-6514 USA

Map of HCC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to HCC from nearby towns.

Hagerstown Community College distance from Maryland cities
City Distance
Robinwood0 miles
Chewsville2 miles
Funks3 miles
Hagers3 miles
Paramount-Long Meadow4 miles
Mount Aetna4 miles
Beaver Creek4 miles
Cave4 miles
Jug4 miles
Pondsville4 miles
Bag4 miles
Fountainhead-Orchard Hills5 miles
Leitersburg5 miles
Smithsburg5 miles
Halfway6 miles
San Mar6 miles
Reid6 miles
Mount Lena6 miles
St. James6 miles