Private 2 Year

Daymar College-Scottsville Location and Distances

Scottsville, Kentucky

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Daymar College Scottsville is located in Scottsville, Kentucky; population 4,226. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

1138 Old Gallatin Rd
Scottsville, Kentucky
42164 USA

Map of Daymar College-Scottsville

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Daymar College-Scottsville from nearby towns.

Daymar College Scottsville distance from Kentucky cities
City Distance
Fairfield11 miles
Westmoreland13 miles
Fountain Run14 miles
Plano15 miles
Oak Grove15 miles
Bransford17 miles
Lafayette18 miles
Bethpage19 miles
Woodburn19 miles
Franklin20 miles
Mitchellville20 miles
Bowling Green20 miles
Portland21 miles
Oakland21 miles
Smiths Grove21 miles
Plum Springs21 miles
Graball22 miles
Glasgow24 miles