Private 4 Year

Daymar College-Owensboro Location and Distances

Owensboro, Kentucky

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Daymar College Owensboro is located in Owensboro, Kentucky; population 57,265. The campus is in a small city setting.

3361 Buckland Sq
Owensboro, Kentucky
42301 USA

Map of Daymar College-Owensboro

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Daymar College-Owensboro from nearby towns.

Daymar College Owensboro distance from Kentucky cities
City Distance
Masonville7 miles
Rockport12 miles
Maceo12 miles
Hatfield12 miles
Richland14 miles
Calhoun15 miles
Whitesville15 miles
Beech Grove16 miles
Grandview16 miles
Livermore17 miles
Spottsville17 miles
Lewisport19 miles
Chrisney20 miles
Onton20 miles
Island20 miles
Newburgh20 miles
Robards22 miles
Boonville22 miles