Public 2 Year

Iowa Lakes Community College Location and Distances

Estherville, Iowa

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Iowa Lakes Community College is located in Estherville, Iowa; population 6,360. The campus is in a remote town setting.

19 S 7th St
Estherville, Iowa
51334-2295 USA

Map of Iowa Lakes Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Iowa Lakes Community College from nearby towns.

Iowa Lakes Community College distance from Iowa cities
City Distance
Superior6 miles
Wallingford6 miles
Gruver7 miles
Terril9 miles
Dunnell11 miles
Dolliver12 miles
Graettinger12 miles
Orleans13 miles
Ceylon14 miles
Spirit Lake14 miles
Arnolds Park15 miles
Okoboji15 miles
Alpha17 miles
Milford17 miles
West Okoboji17 miles
Wahpeton17 miles
Jackson17 miles
Armstrong18 miles