Public 2 Year

Ivy Tech Community College-Wabash Valley Location and Distances

Terre Haute, Indiana

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Ivy Tech Community College Wabash Valley is located in Terre Haute, Indiana; population 60,785. The campus is in a small suburban setting.

7999 US Hwy 41
Terre Haute, Indiana
47802-4898 USA

Map of Ivy Tech Community College-Wabash Valley

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Ivy Tech Community College-Wabash Valley from nearby towns.

Ivy Tech Community College Wabash Valley distance from Indiana cities
City Distance
Riley5 miles
Dresser7 miles
Toad Hop7 miles
West Terre Haute7 miles
Farmersburg8 miles
St. Mary of the Woods11 miles
Seelyville11 miles
North Terre Haute12 miles
Shelburn13 miles
Staunton13 miles
Hymera14 miles
Tecumseh14 miles
Coalmont15 miles
New Goshen16 miles
Marshall16 miles
Clay City16 miles
Shepardsville16 miles
Fontanet17 miles