Public 2 Year

Ivy Tech Community College-East Central Location and Distances

Muncie, Indiana

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Ivy Tech Community College East Central is located in Muncie, Indiana; population 70,085. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

4301 S Cowan Rd
Muncie, Indiana
47302-9448 USA

Map of Ivy Tech Community College-East Central

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Ivy Tech Community College-East Central from nearby towns.

Ivy Tech Community College East Central distance from Indiana cities
City Distance
York4 miles
Selma7 miles
Springport8 miles
Daleville8 miles
Middle10 miles
Chesterfield10 miles
Mount Summit11 miles
Parker City11 miles
Blountsville11 miles
Sulphur Springs11 miles
Eaton12 miles
Gaston12 miles
Mooreland14 miles
Albany14 miles
Cadiz15 miles
Farmland15 miles
Losantville15 miles
Country Club Heights15 miles