#28 Best Private Colleges in Illinois

Rockford University Location and Distances

Rockford, Illinois

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Rockford University is located in Rockford, Illinois; population 152,871. The campus is in a midsize city setting.

5050 E State St
Rockford, Illinois
61108-2311 USA

Map of Rockford University

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Distance from Major Metropolitan Areas

If you're considering applying to Rockford University and are from out of state, the table below details travel distances to the campus from major U.S. cities.

Rockford University distance from Major Cities
City Distance
Chicago75 miles
Philadelphia738 miles
Dallas779 miles
New York788 miles
Houston933 miles
San Antonio1,030 miles
Phoenix1,388 miles
San Diego1,663 miles
Los Angeles1,686 miles