Public 2 Year

LLCC Location and Distances

Springfield, Illinois

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Lincoln Land Community College is located in Springfield, Illinois; population 116,250. The campus is in a midsize city setting.

5250 Shepherd Rd
Springfield, Illinois
62794-9256 USA

Map of LLCC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to LLCC from nearby towns.

Lincoln Land Community College distance from Illinois cities
City Distance
Southern View3 miles
Rochester5 miles
Jerome5 miles
Leland Grove6 miles
Chatham6 miles
Grandview7 miles
Clear Lake7 miles
Pawnee9 miles
Curran9 miles
Riverton9 miles
Spaulding11 miles
Divernon11 miles
Sherman11 miles
Mechanicsburg12 miles
Dawson12 miles
Auburn12 miles
Edinburg13 miles
Tovey13 miles