Public 2 Year

Olney Central College Location and Distances

Olney, Illinois

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Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Olney Central College is located in Olney, Illinois; population 9,115. The campus is in a remote town setting.

305 N West Street
Olney, Illinois
62450 USA

Map of Olney Central College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Olney Central College from nearby towns.

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Olney Central College distance from Illinois cities
City Distance
Calhoun6 miles
Claremont7 miles
Noble7 miles
Parkersburg10 miles
Sumner12 miles
Clay City14 miles
Ste. Marie14 miles
Sailor Springs14 miles
West Salem15 miles
Mount Erie17 miles
Newton18 miles
Bridgeport18 miles
Willow Hill19 miles
Bone Gap21 miles
Flora21 miles
Oblong21 miles
Lawrenceville22 miles
Louisville22 miles