Public 2 Year

Carl Sandburg College Location and Distances

Galesburg, Illinois

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Carl Sandburg College is located in Galesburg, Illinois; population 32,195. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

2400 Tom L. Wilson Boulevard
Galesburg, Illinois
61401 USA

Map of Carl Sandburg College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Carl Sandburg College from nearby towns.

Carl Sandburg College distance from Illinois cities
City Distance
Henderson4 miles
East Galesburg6 miles
Wataga8 miles
Knoxville8 miles
North Henderson8 miles
Rio9 miles
Alexis10 miles
Oneida11 miles
Abingdon12 miles
Monmouth13 miles
Gilson14 miles
Woodhull14 miles
Alpha15 miles
Oak Run15 miles
Windsor15 miles
Altona16 miles
Victoria17 miles
Little York18 miles