Public 2 Year

Ogeechee Technical College Location and Distances

Statesboro, Georgia

 0 Reviews


Ogeechee Technical College is located in Statesboro, Georgia; population 28,422. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

One Joe Kennedy Blvd
Statesboro, Georgia
30458 USA

Map of Ogeechee Technical College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Ogeechee Technical College from nearby towns.

Ogeechee Technical College distance from Georgia cities
City Distance
Register4 miles
Pulaski8 miles
Brooklet9 miles
Portal12 miles
Metter14 miles
Daisy17 miles
Claxton17 miles
Hagan18 miles
Rocky Ford19 miles
Oliver19 miles
Bellville19 miles
Manassas20 miles
Cobb20 miles
Pembroke21 miles
Newington23 miles
Collins23 miles
Stillmore23 miles
Twin City24 miles